Rare Mushroom spotted

Guests celebrating a family birthday took a walk to the right hand waterfall and were delighted to spot a minute and very rare mushroom

Green Wood Cup Fungi Chlorociboria auriginascens. So these little mushrooms have been hunted for 100’s of years. Treasured by the Turkish jewellery box makers for a single reason….

They stain the wood of the host tree the same colour as their pretty pileus.

The tree limbs exhibiting these mushrooms are felled as soon as the mushrooms appear so that the mycelium would not consume the wood to dust over consecutive flushes.

The green/blue wood was used as inlays in the jewelry boxes, and the colour has been retained in some very old examples still to this day.

The hues of the colour green are only found in the rarest of mushrooms. A fantastic find. All praise to God for his awesome creation 🍄

A Magnificent Wedding with Braco looking glorious.

We hosted a beautiful family friend’s wedding on the 30th April. God blessed us with a magnificent day after an anxious week consulting weather apps predicting rain. The bride had prepared with white wellie boots, coat, umbrellas – but nothing was required. Congrats and may God bless you with His abundant grace Doug & Nats

We have plenty of photographs on our Facebook Page: Braco in the Karkloof.

An enthusiastic response to spending the long weekend at Twin Falls Farm self-catering accommodation, Karkloof

A family have enthusiastically shared their experience of Twin Falls over the long weekend.

Evening Mary. What a wonderfully peaceful and restorative time we shared in the cottages your family has created. Arriving to find the horses grazing on the front lawn couldn’t have ben a better surprise for all the horse lovers amongst our group. Watson was also a delightful, unexpected highlight.

We set out to find the waterfalls shortly after arrival. Victor’s directions were perfect, but the wet weather and high volume of water had made the path dissapear towards the end so much so that we were unable to reach them on day one. I hope you dont mind that we used slashers and pangas to clear the nettle overgrowth and remove what we could of the plants that have covered the path to be rewarded by the most spectacular sight. The falling water is breathtakingly beautiful.

We will definitely be back to enjoy and explore again. Our party spanned a huge age gap. Our babe at 9 months to my dad at 79years. We sent the strong and youthful ahead to clear the path for the rest of us who ambled along at a slower pace admiring mushrooms, the beautiful array of indigenous flora and general peace and quiet. All of us made it to the right hand falls on Monday morning, my brother and his family stayed to clear a way to the left hand falls in the afternoon. We will have to return to see the other one!

SNOW at Twin Falls Farm!

On the 28th August 2021 there was heavy snow in the Karkloof area – the last time this happened was over 35 years ago! We couldn’t contain our excitement when the first graupel started to fall and then became real snow, falling for over 4 hours. It was particularly exciting as it is so rare to see snow right around the Twin Falls Farm self-catering cottages, Ellem and Chimes (and not just higher up on Mount Gilboa). The snow lasted in the shaded areas until lunch time the next day. What a spectacular day. Warm sunshine, blue skies, steam rising and the tinkling of melting ice. Magic! Here are a few photos of our Twin Falls Farm winter wonderland.

Beauty all year round!

While bringing the cattle down from the high grasslands down to the lower winter grazing grasslands, we came across these stunning flowering aloes. This rocky outcrop can be accessed if you follow the plantation road, up past the TwinFallsFarm cottages, pass through the cattle gate (please close after passing through), and once you come out of the natural bush and are in the grassland, then follow the path up the mountain on the left. Only 4×4 vehicles would manage this drive, but it is a lovely walk – and I would recommend the walk as you experience so much more of the environment that way!

Drone photographs

We have just received these drone photographs of Twin Falls. Enticing to come and enjoy the bush and beautiful waterfalls for yourself.

After the strict lockdown restraints this peaceful and tranquil retreat provides solace for the soul. 

Address any queries to info@twinfallsfarm.co.za

Phenomenal Visit

So thrilled to receive this email.

“Just wanted to say thanks for a phenomenal stay at your farm over the weekend. 

My husband and I absolutely loved it!! It is such a magical place you have. 

We would very much like to book it again for next years Three Cranes race. The dates are not official yet, but it should fall on the same weekend as this year. In fact, we’d like to try and convince as many friends as we can to join us, and book both the cottages for that weekend. As soon as the dates are confirmed, I will let you know. “

A Tranquil Walk: musings of a visitor.

Twin Falls Farm – Sunday, 24 November 2019

Jess organised a Restorative Silent Nature Walk at a secret venue. Her secret revealed itself to be Twin Falls Farm! Together with her we were five like-minded people, of whom all except one I knew already – and the fifth, well, a friend of a friend is a friend already!

We started at the recently rebuilt homestead, which is now self-catering accommodation.  I immediately envisaged spending some time there with my wife. Everything available in two, very spacious ‘cottages’ – but, above all, an exquisite setting nestled amidst forested hills at the end of a Karkloofvalley, and part of a Natural Heritage Site. And, to top it all, a crystal-clear stream in front of the cottages.

The Walk! Jess arranged that, once we crossed the stream, we would maintain Silence. There is something so liberating about practising silence, especially when in Nature. No distractions from social exchanges, even when with friends. Yet my experience suggests that silence actually promoted a deepening of our communication. 

Indigenous forests and running water unlock something deep within. Our Silence allowed me to hear all those sounds in Nature that one seldom hears, particularly the bird calls.  All my senses come alive, increasing my appreciation even of the humid air and the luxuriant undergrowth.  

Traversing paths, rather than pushing one’s way through the undergrowth, enhances the quality of the experience. What gratitude I felt to those who laid out and now maintain these paths. 

Restorative the walk certainly was!  And a walk in such beauty and in the fresh air enhances one’s appetite for the picnic breakfast that we enjoyed on our return to the cottages.

Twin Falls is definitely worth a visit, and even more so a stay-over, so as to thoroughly imbibe its tranquillity and beauty.

Ross Haynes
December 2019