A Tranquil Walk: musings of a visitor.

Twin Falls Farm – Sunday, 24 November 2019

Jess organised a Restorative Silent Nature Walk at a secret venue. Her secret revealed itself to be Twin Falls Farm! Together with her we were five like-minded people, of whom all except one I knew already – and the fifth, well, a friend of a friend is a friend already!

We started at the recently rebuilt homestead, which is now self-catering accommodation.  I immediately envisaged spending some time there with my wife. Everything available in two, very spacious ‘cottages’ – but, above all, an exquisite setting nestled amidst forested hills at the end of a Karkloofvalley, and part of a Natural Heritage Site. And, to top it all, a crystal-clear stream in front of the cottages.

The Walk! Jess arranged that, once we crossed the stream, we would maintain Silence. There is something so liberating about practising silence, especially when in Nature. No distractions from social exchanges, even when with friends. Yet my experience suggests that silence actually promoted a deepening of our communication. 

Indigenous forests and running water unlock something deep within. Our Silence allowed me to hear all those sounds in Nature that one seldom hears, particularly the bird calls.  All my senses come alive, increasing my appreciation even of the humid air and the luxuriant undergrowth.  

Traversing paths, rather than pushing one’s way through the undergrowth, enhances the quality of the experience. What gratitude I felt to those who laid out and now maintain these paths. 

Restorative the walk certainly was!  And a walk in such beauty and in the fresh air enhances one’s appetite for the picnic breakfast that we enjoyed on our return to the cottages.

Twin Falls is definitely worth a visit, and even more so a stay-over, so as to thoroughly imbibe its tranquillity and beauty.

Ross Haynes
December 2019

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