Listed on Airbnb

It took me 4 hours to put in all the relevant information and upload photographs.

If you do an Airbnb search under Howick for 6 or 4 people we come up on pages 4 & 6 respectively.

However you are most welcome to continue using our email address ( to book directly. Your hosts are William & Victor Shaw.

An Interesting Day.

  • 100 mile race from Howick to Benvie and return, with participants running through Braco and passed Twin Falls
  • The funeral of Ivy Ngubane with bus loads of visitors using the same access road.
  • A Hail storm. Very unpleasant for runners and mourners.
  • Open Gardens at Braco so hail unpleasant for garden visitors. But everyone loved the gardens and are keen to spread the word and visit again.
  • We drove up to Twin Falls to ensure the cottages hadn’t any leaks, and to take additional blankets up.

All in all a full day.

Fully Booked

A very busy weekend lies ahead.
The 100 mile trail run through the Karkloof is occurring
Braco Garden is open for the duration of the Long Weekend.
Our natural heritage will be enjoyed on Heritage Day.
Both Ellem and Chimes will be occupied.

Do come and visit and join the excitement.

There will be a tea garden at Braco with delicious eats Friday to Monday.

A donation for SPCA would be appreciated.

We are ready for you.

It’s Open Gardens season and this year Braco will be Open over the long weekend (including the Monday) 22-24 September. If you would like to drive across to Twin Falls, you will be welcome to do so. However, on the weekend of 6- 7 October, Braco will be open again and we will have Twin Falls cottages open for you to check them out and see the stunning views.
Please put the dates in your diary.
Above is the drive way to Braco taken earlier this year.

Do hope you have put the 7th October into your diary to visit Twin Falls.

The smaller cottage, Chimes, which sleeps 4, can be booked for R1200 per night.
The larger cottage, Ellem, which sleeps 6 can be booked for R1800 per night
Both will cost R2800.
Individually the charge is R350 pppn.
Children up to the age of 3 will be free.
Pensioners R300 pppn.

Catherine Conway and family will be staying at Twin Falls on the 6th  – 7th October so that you can view the accommodation and she has offered to take interested persons on the walk to one of the beautiful Falls. She will also be available to do the walk over the long weekend 22 – 24th September .