We came across this blog written by some visiting birders in July 2020, and have so enjoyed how they have captured the essence of the Twin Falls Farm experience, and have therefore attached a link to this blog here: Bartho blog 2020/07/09
Enjoy 🙂

We came across this blog written by some visiting birders in July 2020, and have so enjoyed how they have captured the essence of the Twin Falls Farm experience, and have therefore attached a link to this blog here: Bartho blog 2020/07/09
Enjoy 🙂
On the 28th August 2021 there was heavy snow in the Karkloof area – the last time this happened was over 35 years ago! We couldn’t contain our excitement when the first graupel started to fall and then became real snow, falling for over 4 hours. It was particularly exciting as it is so rare to see snow right around the Twin Falls Farm self-catering cottages, Ellem and Chimes (and not just higher up on Mount Gilboa). The snow lasted in the shaded areas until lunch time the next day. What a spectacular day. Warm sunshine, blue skies, steam rising and the tinkling of melting ice. Magic! Here are a few photos of our Twin Falls Farm winter wonderland.
While bringing the cattle down from the high grasslands down to the lower winter grazing grasslands, we came across these stunning flowering aloes. This rocky outcrop can be accessed if you follow the plantation road, up past the TwinFallsFarm cottages, pass through the cattle gate (please close after passing through), and once you come out of the natural bush and are in the grassland, then follow the path up the mountain on the left. Only 4×4 vehicles would manage this drive, but it is a lovely walk – and I would recommend the walk as you experience so much more of the environment that way!
Twin Falls Farm self-catering cottages are very nearly ready to be opened to the public!
Watch this space.