Additional accommodation options at Twinfalls Farm, Karkloof

We have added 2 more accommodation option to the Twinfalls Farm experience:

We have an old “Hanger” that could be used for camping. It is a very large open space, with a closed in ablution area. Perfect for large groups who enjoy the rustic experience. Situated right next to the Mholweni River, and just down the road from our self-catering cottages.

And for an even more rustic adventure, there is “Will’s Hut” up on top of the world – with the spectacular view of the beautiful Midlands, mystical natural Mist Belt Forest and Grey Mare’s Tail Waterfall, and majestically ‘guarded’ by Mount Gilboa. This very basic wooden hut is 4x6m, with a small water tank with rain fed water, and simple long drop. So, it is similar to sleeping in a cave – bring along all that you will need for a never to be forgotten get away!

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